Mary Ellen Ledbetter - Biography
Mary Ledbetter not only has been an instructor in Writing Process Workshops across the country but has presented at state, national, and international conventions in both reading and writing. Her numerous awards include Goose Creek CISD Board of Education's award for Outstanding Teacher and Bell Award for three years as well as the Bureau of Education and Research's (Bellevue, WA) Distinguished Teaching and Outstanding Contributions to the Education Profession. Under her direction, students have won National Scholastic awards, University Interscholastic Competitions, and have been published in a variety of literary magazines including Merlyn's Pen and Stone Soup.
As a presenter / consultant for the Bureau of Education and Research (BER), Mary Ledbetter has instructed over 28,000 of teachers in over 800 seminars on specific methods of improving all skills related to English/Language Arts. Her own company, MEL'S Pen, LLC, gave her the opportunity to visit schools across the US and Canada to demonstrate her programs to thousands more administrators, teachers, and students.

She is also the instructor featured on a two-part video produced by the Bureau as well as the author of numerous books including her new The Writing Teacher's Activity-a-Day, Writing Portfolio Activities Kit, and Ready-to-Use English Workshop Activities, all of which were published by Jossey-Bass, a John Wiley Imprint.
Writing Research Projects Activities Kit, which also features numerous assignments for language arts literature and reading, was published by Prentice Hall.
Other publications include: Something for Everyday, All About Me, You Say; I Say, Success Series One Folders, new Success Series Two Folders, Literature/ Grammar/ Application Cards.
Mary Ellen Ledbetter
Language Arts Consultant
for K-12 Students
Mary's Videos
Youtube Video of Mary Ellen Ledbetter - Training Students to become better writers.